Welcome to Career Hub!

From Deciding what to study, to making an awesome resume, getting prepared for your interview, searching your first job, to preparing your pitch and showcasing your portfolio. We have everything here for you.

Career Pathways

Are you thinking what to study? Explore your career in this module. Get more details about our Diploma programs to help decide your career.

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Targeted Job Search

How to find a Job for your education? This is what this module is about. It covers methods of searching jobs and building your professional network.

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Resumes for You

How to make an effective resume for your job? Take a look at few of the sample resumes as a guide for all our Diploma programs.

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Personal Pitch

Create a personal pitch for your career. It’s all about you and your USPs. This can help you stand out from the crowd.

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Interview Skills

In this module, get insights of how to prepare for a interview, make a good impression, and follow up after the interview.

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Digital Portfolios

Prepare your portfolio as a self-marketing tool. It can help you connect with potential employers.

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